InDemand campaign ends

Our InDemand on Indiegogo campaign ends today. With your help, we were able to fund the script for Free Fall 2. Now, in January 2018, more than 50% of the script is written. This year is going to be challenging, but also very exciting.

In 2018 we are going to focus on contacting sponsors and investors in order to raise more funds for Free Fall 2. Another crowdfunding campaign is planned to be launching in August 2018. In 2019 we will start filming.

Even though the InDemand campaign on Indiegogo ends, you can still get in touch with us via, via Facebook and via message on Indiegogo.

You supported Free Fall 2 already? Thank you very much! We saved the information of your contribution and the perk you chose in order to deliver your perks as soon as they are ready.

Please contact us, if you have a question regarding your perk or if your shipping address has changed. ( )

We are also going to keep publishing updates on our progress via newsletter, Facebook, Indiegogo and via

We really appreciate all the support we have experienced so far and
would be honored, if you keep following us all the way to Free Fall 2.

All the best and breathe evenly!

@ kurhaus production 2025